Allcare Blakes Crossing Medical Centre
(08) 7078 4566
Healthcare for your whole family

Your details, medical records and consultations within this practice are kept strictly confidential. Your personal health information is only accessed by authorised staff and will not be released without written consent. Only de-identified data may be used for research purposes. During the Accreditation process, medical records are randomly selected by a GP for quality assurance purposes. If you do not wish for your personal record to be accessed, please inform your Doctor.
We constantly strive to give you the best possible care and attention. If you have any suggessions about any aspect of our service, please ask to see the Practice Manager who will be more than happy to hear any suggestions
Complaints can formally be made to:
The Ombudsman (State)
5th Floor East Wing, 55 Currie Street
Adelaide 5000
Ph: 8226 8699
Health & Community Services Complaints Commissioner
Ph: 8266 8666
If you require an interpreter, please inform the reception staff when booking your appointment and an interpreter will be arranged for you or contact the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS national)
Ph: 13 14 15
Allcare Blakes Crossing is a mixed billing General Practice Clinic. Children under 16 and concession card holders will be bulk billed for general GP consults. For other patients there will be an out of pocket expense, to be paid on the day.
Allied Health Professional consultations will incur out of pocket expenses.
Please ask our friendly reception staff about private fees at the time of booking.
Consultations are by appointments, however in situations of a medical emergency the patient will be attended to immediately. Please note: If your situation is a medical emergency, you should contact your local hospital or dial 000
If you require a longer appointment, please notify the reception staff.
Telephone calls may interrupt consultations and inconvenience other patients. The reception staff are happy to take a message and ask the Doctor to return your call at his/her convenience. It is not possible to make a diagnosis over the phone. If the call is regarding an urgent medical situation, please inform the receptionist and you will be transferred to the Doctor concerned.
A sickness certificate is a legal document and as such will be treated as one. If a certificate is required, you must be seen by a doctor.
Home visits are made with the receptionist at the discretion of the General Practitioner.
For emergency situations, please call OOO
or present to the closest Public Hospital
Haydown Rd, Elizabeth Vale
When the surgery is unattended and medical care is required please phone our after hours locum service
National Doctor Service on 137 425
and they will arrange for a doctor to visit your home.
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide the highest quality of healthcare with the sense of compassion, quality, warmth and kindness.
Our General Practitioners are committed to ensuring families have the resources to make informed
decisions regarding their healthcare.
Allcare Blakes Crossing is a dedicated highly skilled team of healthcare professionals that provide compassionate care in a new and modern medical setting which promotes confidence in our patients and peace of mind for their families.